Hay guys!! Those who use linux, lxsplit is the alternate of hjsplit.
lxsplit is a software which splits and joins pdfs.
Suppose you have a big pdf and you want to upload it in a website, but for the big size you can't upload it. So you can split the pdf and upload all the parts separately, and afterwords you download all the parts and use lxsplit/hjsplit to join those parts and get the whole pdf.
command to install lxsplit:
$sudo apt-get install lxsplit
command to split a pdf: (after the filename you have to mention the size you want to be for each part)
$lxsplit -s filename.pdf 20M
command to join a pdf:(just need to mention the first part name)
$lxsplit -j filename.pdf.001
Enjoy Linux!! Best of Luck..