
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Mozilla FireFox Shortcuts: Make your browsing life easier.

To open a new TAB, press Ctrl+T
To open a new Window, press Ctrl+N
To move your cursor to the address bar, Ctrl+L

Bored to write (WWW) and (.COM/.ORG/.NET), here goes the shortcuts:

To open .COM, write the website name and then press Ctrl+Enter
To open .ORG, write the website name and then press Ctrl+Shift+Enter
To open .NET, write the website name and then press Shift+Enter


Saturday, April 16, 2011

Recovery from Deadlock: Process Termination

Que: In which order should we chose to abort deadlock?
Ans: The order is given below:
1.Priority of the process.
2.How long the process has computed,and how much time more does it need to finish.
3.How many resources it has used.
4.How many resources it needed.
5.How many resources needed to terminate.
6.Is process interactive or batch.